Travels 2016

Lisbon: Just add water

Full photo album for Lisbon.

Saturday 19 – Sunday 20 November 2016.

My departure from London was an early start.

Once arriving in Lisbon and checking into the hotel, I headed down for lunch. Afterwards with feet still tender from walking on cobbles the day before and still struggling with a cold, I opted for following the European tradition of siesta. Five hours later = best decision of the day.

Sunday dawned grey and wet. With a slow start I headed out to Castelo de São Jorges. The taxi driver had only been on the job one month. He apologised that he didn’t speak English, however since I only speak one language and perhaps hello, please and thank you in a few others, he was doing quite well. Sadly his satnav sent him the wrong way to get to the castle so he hopped out for directions then led me into a bar where the lovely staff member was able to direct me.

One of my concerns for this trip was my lack of language skills aside from English. Most Portuguese I have spoken to have excellent English or can at least be understood. I know this from my travels in Africa, but that was a long time ago.

Although I lugged my DSLR with me, it did not see the outside of my pack. The weather was frequent rain and in unsheltered places, wind. The temperature was around 16˚C so the gloves were not needed, but scarf, beanie, coat and umbrella were definitely required. Sometimes you take it all (heavy camera) on the off chance the sun does pop its head out, just as it had on Friday at the London Eye and Westminster.

So suitably attired in wet weather gear, and Olympus Tough (water proof camera) in hand I set out exploring the grounds. It really would help to read the guide before heading off, but I just blindly wandered around. Not taking the time to read the tourist info did have its benefits as by the time I had explored enough, I’d left before the larger crowds arrived.

Click on the photo below to see photos of Lisbon

Making my way down into the city centre I did look at Google maps on my phone, but it was interesting to follow what seemed right, coming out in a good spot to start the next phase of exploration.

I returned to the hotel in a taxi where the driver changed the radio station to play more traditional Portuguese music, adding when the next track started, it was for me.

After dumping all my stuff out of the pack and laying everything out to dry (my trousers were wet up the calves, but the pack kept all the insides dry), I headed down to the restaurant for a late lunch of hot chocolate and tart.


I downloaded the pics, sorted and uploaded a few to Facebook. Back to the room I was soon enjoying the bliss of siesta again. If I can’t sleep through the night, then siesta it shall be.

Waking before 8pm I returned to the restaurant for a delicious meal, where I debated on adding dessert. It was slow going, but I managed to get through it!
