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    “A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.” Herm Albright Originally posted on Blogger 6 September 2012

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    This beautiful photo and story brought tears

    Pablo Casals, 1954 Originally posted on Blogger 7 January 2012 In the Abbey de Cuxa in Prades, I spent several glorious hours with the master of the cello. Our rapport was instantaneous – he trusted me to carry his cherished instrument. I was so moved on listening to him play Bach that I could not, for some moments, attend to photography. I have never photographed anyone, before or since, with his back turned to the camera, but it seemed to me just right. For me, the bare room conveys the loneliness of the artist, at the pinnacle of his art, and also the loneliness of exile. Years later, when this…

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    More from: Your Heart’s Desire

    Originally posted on Blogger 22 August 2011 The good news is that you don’t need anyone’s approval to succeed. What you do need is to protect yourself from demoralizing, dream-damaging, disapproving saboteurs. Sonia Choquette – Your Heart’s Desire Page 86 My thoughts: I found it interesting that in Focusing Ann doesn’t follow the usual theory of our internal saboteurs, instead welcoming them because they are the part that gets to direct our actions, something that really needs time spent with it. To push our own saboteurs aside is to encourage the behaviour to continue. I found this aspect of Focusing thoroughly enlightening. This post was more about our own success, playing…

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    From: Your Heart’s Desire

    “I have noticed in some of my clients a tendency to intentionally imagine the worse case scenario instead of their Heart’s Desire. This seems to be a convoluted way of protecting themselves from experiencing the pain of disappointment. Oddly, it is as through they believe fearing the worse at the onset will prevent letdowns later on. Little do they know that this actually doubles their pain – first by anticipating disappointment, then by attracting it.” Sonia Choquette – Your Heart’s Desire Page 60 Originally posted on Blogger 20 August 2011